Real Estate Tips

While enjoying a great meal and watching football is certainly a big part of Thanksgiving, this coming holiday season is really about expressing gratitude for the people in your life. And while those people are most likely your friends and family members, this year, consider...

Even though housing supply had already been affected before Covid-19, it became worse when the pandemic hit as people started to look for new homes with the will to move to lesser populated areas or better home offices as lockdowns were implemented all over the...

Looking to purchase an old house? If you're the type of person who appreciates the older architecture appeal and charm, then this will be a rewarding choice for you. Old Houses Come with Old Problems Although older houses bring irrefutable historical character and individuality, there are a...

Aahh — sweet, sweet summer. As quickly as it arrives, it seems to depart, so let’s take advantage of the warmer temperatures and longer days while we still can! There are several ways to maximize the rest of the season before we have to trade...

Potential sellers who held onto their homes as prices climbed higher and faster than ever during the pandemic are finally emerging to cash out, a step toward easing a dire shortage in the hyperactive housing market. The number of U.S. homes for sale climbed 6.7% in...

Over the last year or so, many of us have spent more time at home than usual, utilizing our backyards as an extension of our indoor living spaces. We enhanced our decks, patios and balconies, turning them into a replica of our favorite local restaurant’s...

Whether you're staging your home yourself or hiring a professional stager, here are a few tips for making sure your home is ready to be seen by potential homebuyers. Keep Your Style Out of It You may have great taste, but your buyer may not. More often...

You know what they say: What goes around comes around. But did we ever think wood paneling and wallpaper would make a comeback?That’s right — take a look at today’s most trendy homes on social media and you’ll see that many design concepts from the...

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