8 Ways to Give Back this Holiday Season

8 Ways to Give Back this Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us, and while we’re looking forward to quality time with friends and family, great food, and spectacular presents – not everyone is as fortunate. A great way to support our communities throughout the holidays is looking for opportunities to give back. Use the suggestions below to find new ways to donate, volunteer, and more this month.

1. Make Fiscal Donation — One of the simplest ways to support causes you care about is by making a fiscal donation. Charities and nonprofits throughout the community are always looking for more financial support! Research charities in your community that align with your passions and seamlessly make multiple donations.

2. Perform Random Acts of Kindness — Giving back isn’t necessarily about donating money and time. Sometimes it is simply about spreading joy and love! Calling or messaging someone you don’t normally connect with, hanging candy canes on your neighbor’s mailboxes, or inviting your neighbors over for dinner to get to know each other better are just a few ways you could show your appreciation and thankfulness this season.

3. Donate Clothing — Do you have some extra, gently used clothing laying around? Give those pieces a second life with people in need through local clothing drives, second-hand stores, and more.

4. Donate Food — Eating good food together is a big part of how we celebrate the holidays. Ensure other families throughout the community can enjoy a delicious holiday meal this season by donating non-perishable food, frozen turkeys, prepared meals, and more to local food drives and food-focused charities.

5. Volunteer Your Time — From serving meals at a local soup kitchen, to collecting change outside of a grocery store and much more, volunteering your time is a fantastic way to spend a day this holiday season! Find local organizations throughout your community who are currently looking for volunteers.

6. Give Blood — If you are healthy and willing, there are many organizations currently looking for donations for blood and plasma this time of year.

7. Donate Holiday Presents — Everyone deserves to receive a great present during the holidays. Many charities across the community host toy, book, and clothing drives during the holidays so you can donate a few gifts to others.

8. Write Letters to Military Members —Take some time this season to write a few letters to thank military members for their service and wish them a happy holiday.
