Ways You Can Save Money as a Homeowner

Ways You Can Save Money as a Homeowner

It’s no secret — buying and maintaining a home can be a big investment, from the initial purchase to any unexpected repairs down the road. However, there are several small ways to save money throughout your homeownership journey that could add up to significant savings over time. Incorporate these money-saving tips to create a happy home — and a happy wallet! 

  • Install a smart, programmable thermostat
  • Ensure your attic is well-insulated
  • Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances
  • Install LED light bulbs
  • Vacuum refrigerator coils regularly
  • Air dry clothes instead of running the dryer
  • Check for air leaks around doors and windows
  • Use ceiling fans and turn the thermostat up a few degrees
  • Set your hot water heater below 120 degrees
  • Wrap exposed water pipes with insulation
  • Replace air filters regularly
  • Clear obstructions, like furniture, from vents
  • Check toilets and faucets for leaks
  • Turn off appliances and unplug electronics when not in use
  • Make your own cleaning solution with vinegar and baking soda
  • Make sure your gutters are clear of debris and draining properly
  • Wash clothes in cold water instead of using the hot or warm setting
  • Schedule regular maintenance checks to help you catch any issues early 